Transition Year

Transition Year offers pupils a broad educational experience which promotes social, personal and vocational development. It provides an environment where they will take greater responsibility for their own learning and decision making.
It will help them mature as young adults, develop general, technical and academic skills and experience the adult working life through work experience placement. For TY resources and more useful information view the 'TY Hub' to the left side of this webpage.
The following modules and activities are offered as part of our TY programme:
Art, Craft & Design Woodwork Mini Company
Career Guidance Computer Studies French/ German
Gaelic Studies Design & Communication Graphics Home Economics
Mathematics Music Religious Education
Film Studies Social & Legal Studies Sport & Recreation
Coaching Skills World of Science/ Young Scientist Driving Skills
Metalwork European Tour Self Defence
First Aid Work Experience Business
Speech & Drama Accounting Choir
Classical Studies Speech & Drama Gaisce Programme
Life Skills Wellbeing Health Science/ Food Science