Welcome to Mercy Kilbeggan
“Realise your potential in a caring, supportive and enjoyable environment”
Current News
TY Forensic Science
On Wednesday, March 26th our TYs completed a forensic science workshop. It was a two hour session about the John F. Kennedy assassination that happened in 1963. Prior to the workshop, the students watched a background video. They got to do some investigating themselves by looking at some of the evidence from the scene and…
Wear Red Day
On Friday, 21st March our Sanctuary committee organised ‘Wear Red Day’. Students and staff wore red to support the ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ initiative, run by the Immigrant Council of Ireland and the Football Association of Ireland. We collected €820, which has been donated to the Immigrant Council of Ireland.
“Students described the school as a family and expressed themselves as feeling safe and happy in the school”
– Whole School Evaluation Report.